Friday, April 18, 2014

Standardized vs. Whole herbal formulas

Today, the process of extracting “leading active ingredients” is common place and is called “Standardization”. It’s the rage throughout the chemical and natural food industry. The theory is that if one dose of a “suspected” key ingredient is good, a large dose all at once of that ingredient is better. Not so! Those leading active ingredients are properly placed, by Nature, in proportions mixed with other ingredients to make the herb. When taken whole, they present to your body a balanced solution.

Are recognizing this fact. At one time it was thought the best way to get Vitamin C was to take a “high potency” pill. Then people thought up juicing an orange and consuming liters of it. But when extracted from the whole fruit, the juice overwhelmed the body leaving the body short on nutrition and long on sugar that was stored in adipose tissue or FAT. When a person ate the whole orange, they received, in proportion, all of the nutrients, fiber, sugar, vitamins and minerals. A person could not eat enough oranges to gain all of the sugar from a juiced product. That’s healthy eating. The same thing is true with herbs ! When the right whole herb is selected the active ingredient works together with the body to CLEANSE and NOURISH so the body can HEAL itself.

Plant chemistry is so complex, it’s unlikely we’ll ever know, although recent advances in medicine have shown herbs seem to work in several ways:
1) Strengthen and stimulate the body’s immune system so it can do its work.
2) Taken wholly, the natural combinations break down the diseases’ defense so the body can finish them off as they directly kill bacteria and parasites.
3) Soothe pain and inflammation and stimulate or relax bodily functions.
With more than 380,000 plants, more research is required. But 5,000 years of experimentation give the modern herb user a tremendous advantage.
Only an expert herbologist that understands the naturopathic principles can be trusted to recommend the right herb or combinations.

History of Herbs:
The earliest records indicate man has been using plants for medicinal purpose for 5,000 years. Slaves who built the great Egyptian pyramids in 2600 BC were fed spices to enhance their energy. Perhaps coincidentally, extensive research and growth took place simultaneously in India with its Ayurveda (life and knowledge) medicine and in China, with written treatise produced as early as 200 BC. Doctors in the Arab world noted their findings of the medicinal qualities of plants around the same time. In Europe, great hope sprang as explorers brought back to the Old World fascinating new plants for European doctors to use in their treatments. Some were bogus, like guaiacum, but others like Echinacea produced startling results. Cinchona bark, for example, became the treatment for curing malaria. Today, herbs are used by millions as a safe, time-tested, and inexpensive way to a better, healthier life. In Europe and the Americas alone, it is a $12 billion industry.

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