Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Effective Weight Keys

FAT—Changing diet composition is the key. The importance of cutting back of saturated fat cannot be overstated. Saturated fats are hard for your liver to metabolize. Focus on healthy fats from seafood, sea greens, avocados, nuts and seeds, which curb cravings by initiating a satiety response (full). Fat isn’t all bad. It’s your body’s chief energy source. Most overweight people have too high blood sugar and too low fat levels. This causes constant hunger, the delicate balance between fat storage and fat utilization is upset, and your ability to use fat for energy decreases. Eating fast, fried, or junk foods particularly aggravates this imbalance. You wind up with empty calories and more cravings. Fat becomes non-moving energy; fat cells become fat storage deposits. But, don’t replace fats with fat substitutes like Olestra. Eating a 1 oz portion of Olestra potato chips, on a daily basis, reduces blood carotene levels by 50%. Fake fats fool your taste buds, not your stomach. In one study, people who replaced 20% of their fat with fake fats were still hungry at the end of the day and they ate twice as much food as normal.
The fact is your body needs Fat! Fat plays a role in many of the complex biochemical processes that keep you alive, it helps you conserve precious body heat, and most important, it is your body’s critical energy source. That’s why NATURE equipped you with some 35 Billion fat cells.
Saturated Fats are unequivocally BAD—cut out as many as you can. Polyunsaturated Fats are less harmful, but not harmless. Use butter instead of margarine, just sparingly. Monounsaturated Fats are relatively beneficial, so get in the habit of using oils like Olive and Avocado for cooking and salad dressings. Make fatty fish a part of your diet, at least once a week, but use it to replace, not augment, your total fat intake.

Fiber performs its most essential service in one area of the body—your intestinal tract. Its job is to keep your digestive system running smoothly and eliminating wastes regularly. Fiber is Nature’s own laxative. It works by making your stool absorb more water. That increase its size, and makes it easier for you to pass the waste.
Although there are several sorts of fiber, they all boil down to one of two basic kinds, and each plays a role in keeping you healthy. One kind, Soluble Fiber, dissolves in water, soaking up liquid in your stomach and small intestines. It works like a sponge, slowing the absorption of your food. That’s what gives you that ‘full’, satisfied feeling after a meal. It is also what absorbs fats and cholesterol, so your body doesn’t.
The other kind of fiber is not a sponge, but a broom. It moves through your body fairly quickly, sweeping along with its substances you have eaten that may be harmful. There is a simple test to see you are getting enough fiber in your diet—if your stool floats in the toilet, you are getting enough fiber—if it sinks, you are NOT getting enough fiber.
Cellulose and Hemicellulose—speeds transit time in digestive tract.
Lignin—Absorbs fat and cholesterol, speeds transit in digestive tract.
Pectin—Absorbs water, fats and cholesterol, and slows stomach digestion.
Gum—Absorbs water, fats and cholesterol, and slows stomach digestion.
Mucilage—Speeds transit time in digestive tract and absorbs fats and cholesterol.

Exercise strengthens your whole body—muscles, nerves, blood, glands, lungs, heart, brain, mind and mood. It increases your metabolic rate, muscle mass, oxygen uptake, circulation, and boosts the enzymes that help your body burn fat. It also stimulates antibody production, enhances immune response, and reduces fatigue.
Exercise optimizes metabolism, especially ‘brown fat’ activity. Brown fat is highly active metabolically, very different from ‘yellow fat’, the kind you see deposited on your body as cellulite. Brown fat is bound to your skeleton and is filled with tiny, brown colored, mitochondria and cytochromes, chemical powerhouses that produce energy in your cells. Brown fat is thermogenically responsive. When you take in excess calories, your body compensates in part by producing more heat to burn them off instead of storing them as yellow fat.

Water can get you over diet plateaus. Dehydration slows Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and can cause waste products like ketones to build up in tissues. Making up almost three-fourths of the body, every cell is regulated, monitored and dependent on an efficient flow of water. Water transports minerals, vitamins, proteins, and sugars around the body for assimilation. Water maintains your body’s equilibrium and temperature, lubricates tissues, flushes wastes and toxins, hydrates the skin, acts as a shock absorber for the joints, bones and muscles, and adds needed minerals.
Should you drink more Water?
A good rule of thumb, is to weigh yourself—you should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces. So, if you weigh 140 pounds—you should be drinking 70 ounces of water daily.
Here’s how your body uses it up every day… Your Kidneys receive and filter your entire blood supply 15 times each hour! If you become overheated, your 2 million sweat glands perspire to cool your skin and keep your internal organs at a constant temperature, using 99% water. You use a small amount of water during breathing and through tear ducts that lubricate the upper eyelids 25 times per minute. Crying and hearty laughter release water from your eyes and nose. Even normal activity uses up to at least 3 quarts of replacement water each day. Strenuous activity, a hot climate or a high salt diet increases this requirement.
What happens if you don’t get enough Water?
A chain reaction begins…
A shortage message is sent from your brain.
Your Kidneys conserve water by urinating less (constipation and bloating occur).
At only 4% water depletion, muscle endurance diminishes, you start to get dizzy or light-headed.
At 5% water loss, headaches, from moderate to severe begin, you get drowsy, lose the ability to concentrate and get unreasonably impatient.
At 6% water loss, body temperature is impaired, your heart rate increases (races).
At 7% body water depletion, there is a good possibility of collapse.

Thermogenesis is critical to weight loss after 40 years of age. Thermogenesis is about fat-burning. About 75% of the calories you eat work to keep you alive and support your RMR. The rest are stored as white fat, or burned up by brown adipose tissue (BAT), your fat burning factory. Brown fat is the body’s chief regulator of Thermogenisis, so the more active your brown fat is, the easier it is to maintain a desirable weight. Dieter’s who rely solely on restricting their caloric intake usually end up disappointed with the results, because extreme calorie restriction lowers the rate of Thermogenesis. Your body actually burns less fat than it did before you started dieting.
Middle-aged spread means too little Thermogenesis after you eat. Everybody increases metabolism after eating, but the amounts of heat (calorie burning) varies widely. Lean people experience a 40% increase in heat production after a meal. Overweight people may have only an increase of 10%. Obesity occurs primarily when brown fat isn’t working properly, only a little Thermogenesis takes place, and the body deals with the excess calories by storing them as fat. Starting in our early 40’s, a genetic timer shuts down the thermogenetically mechanism. Turning this timer back on is the secret to re-activating Thermogenesis and a more youthful metabolism.
Here’s how Brown Fat works to stimulate Thermogenesis: a protein, called uncoupling protein, breaks down or uncouples, the train of biochemical events that the cells use to turn calories into energy. Brown Fat cells continue to convert calories into heat as long as there is white fat for them to work on.
Thermogenic Herbs increase blood flow to lean muscle tissue, so it works faster and longer, as well as helping to suppress appetite, eating less with less effort.
Fat-burning Herbs and Spices:

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