Thursday, November 12, 2009


Too much Estrogen?
Most of our conventional food is estrogenic. More than 95% of all feed lot raised animals in the US receive growth hormones, antibiotics or other drugs, in order to speed weight gain and time-to-market, hormone levels are increased 2-5 times through anabolic steroids. Time-released synthetic estradiol, testosterone and progesterone slowly seeped into the animal’s blood and bodily fluids, muscles and flesh. Hormone disrupters come from pollutants, drugs, hormone-injected meat and dairy products, plastics, pesticides and hormone replacement drugs for both sexes. These disrupters affect your entire endocrine system, all the communication system of your glands, hormones and cellular receptors in your body. They alter the production and breakdown of your hormones, and the function of your hormone receptors—disrupting hormone balance at its developmental core. They can compete for hormone receptor sites in the body and bind to them in place of natural hormones, causing major fluctuations in hormone levels in the body. Compounding the problem, these chemicals increase in potency 160 to 1,600 times when they are combined inside your body from several sources. Hormone disrupters accumulate in body fat. This is why a high fat diet is a major risk factor for long-term exposure to them, and why it may lead to increased risk for cancer.

This is a controversial subject that has come up against much resistance from the traditional medical community.
Our animal food sources are mostly female, males are castrated and/or treated with hormones to tenderize the meat. The process of over-feminization is causing marine species’ sterilization. We are getting fatter—excess estrogen and rates of related disorders and cancers for both sexes have reached epidemic proportions.
Extra estrogen causes an increase in the size of estrogen-sensitive fatty tissues (belly fat), enlarged fatty tissue produces more estrogen which induces even more fat gain. Adipose tissues produce the aromatose enzyme that synthesizes estrogen from male androgen hormones. Elevated estrogen causes obesity, blood sugar problems, elevated blood lipids and high blood pressure.
When there is an excess of estrogen in the body, ANY estrogen promoting substance, whether chemical or natural, may be detrimental to one’s health.

Xenoestrogens are chemical compounds that mimic estrogen and interfere with the body’s hormonal activities—inhibiting sperm production, cause breast cancer cells and vaginal epithelial cells to proliferate or grow faster. They bind to estrogen receptors in different glands—gonads, hypothalamus and pituitary glands, interrupting normal functions.
Estrogen is a group of steroid hormones and their bioactive metabolites, found both in the nucleus and the plasma membrane of cells.
There are over 100,000 registered estrogenic chemicals currently used worldwide—promoting benign and malignant tumors in men & women, inducing sterilization effects on reproductive functions.
The failure of our current diet to adequately fit our primal genetic make-up is evident with the epidemic of obesity, diabetes and heart disease in the US.

The TRUTH about Soy
The most common phytoestrogens are isoflavones, found in vegetables, grains and legumes—with the highest amounts in soybeans. Isoflavones belong to polyphenolic compounds called flavonoids, also called phytoestrogens.
Soy isoflavone, genistein promotes estrogen activity. The human body recognizes the highly bioactive form of Soy isoflavones, as harmful toxins that need to be neutralized and eliminated from the body.
There is also evidence that Soy isoflavones further accelerate the already existing harmful effects of Xenoestrogens. Unconjugated forms of genestein and daidzein, isolated from soy protein, was found to inhibit thyroid peroxidase, an enzyme involved in thyroid hormone synthesis. It induces mutagenic and genetic toxicity—increasing incidence of broken DNA strands in human sperm and peripheral lymphocytes. Prolonged consumption of soy-based diets had stimulatory effects on proliferation of breast epithelium cells of premenopausal women (60g soy protein or 45 mg soy isoflavones daily). In vitro studies found stimulation in growth of human breast cancer cells in post-menopausal women. A significant increase in blood urea nitrogen waste in women consuming soy protein, adversely affecting nitric oxide production, impairing vasodilation, while increasing levels of free-radicals damaging blood vessels.
The phytoestrogen Cumestriol (soy) produces rapid estrogen receptor activation within 3-30 minutes of exposure, binding receptors in the pituitary tumor cell line.

Estrogenic Chemicals:
The most commonly used estrogenic chemicals are: 4 MBC (sunscreens); Hydroxy-anisole butyrate (food preservative); atrazine (weed killer); Bisphenol A (food preserver & plasticizer); Dieldren (insecticide); DDT (insecticide); Erythrosine (red dye 3); PCB (lubricants, adhesives & paint); P-nonylphenol (PVC, by-products from detergents & spermicides); Parabens (lotions); and Phthalates (plastic softeners).
BSA (conjugated estradiol) is a synthetic estrogen that causes decreased testicular androgen production, it is found in most commercial meat production of beef, chicken and pork. Over time it causes progressive degeneration of testicular tissues and sexual behavior problems.
DES, an estrogen chemical used in pharmaceutical agents, increases incidence of testicular cancer.
Organochloride pesticides (endosulfan, dieldren & DDE) along with Sucralose (AKA: Splenda), detergent by-products of plastics manufacturing (p-nonylphenol & bisphenol A) all produce rapid estrogen receptor activation.
P-nonylphenol or Phthalates found in PVC, solvents, perfumes, pesticides, nail polish, adhesives, paint pigments and lubricants damage the liver, the kidneys, the lungs and developing testes has proven evidentiary of chemical castration effects on male fetus, affecting penis size.

The Liver
The liver has a limited capacity to neutralize toxins, and can be overstressed by those overwhelming poisons and fail to perform its normal duties, which causes estrogen-related disorders, fat gain, blood sugar disorders, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
The liver is the site for estrogen metabolism, when strained or overwhelmed by chemical toxins, it fails to properly metabolize and neutralize estrogen which leads to excess of harmful circulating estrogens, such as Alpha 16—hydroxy estrogens associated with weight gain, bloating, metabolic disorders and cancer.
Alcohol lowers the liver’s capacity to metabolize estrogen by causing ethanol toxicity, high triglycerides, insulin resistance and high blood pressure.
Obese men were found to suffer the highest levels of circulating estrogen and lower capacity to resist fatigue, stress and diseases of the liver.

Organic Dairy—Whole milk derived butter and cheeses—feta, mozzarella and Swiss Emmantal. Fertile eggs and yogurt.
Beans: Garbanzo, Black beans, Adzuki, Navy, Kidney, White, Great Northern and all lentils.
Grains: whole grain barley, steel cut oats, rice, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth.
Nuts: Almonds, Walnuts and Pecans.
Seeds: Pumpkin, Flax and Hemp

Inactive lifestyles can adversely trigger negative phenotypes of genes responsible for metabolic disorders like insulin resistance, hypertension and obesity.
Exercise helps you to become leaner and stronger with physical activity, which dramatically decreases estrogen levels.
Be sure to replenish the body with nutrients, no longer than 30 minutes after a workout.

Herbs & Spices
Turmeric, oregano, thyme, rosemary, sage, milk thistle, dandelion root, shilijit, amla berries, ginger, gotu kola, passionflower, chamomile, curcumin, curry, mandrake, juniper and mistletoe neutralize estrogenic chemicals and metabolites, favoring fat-burning and energy production.

To effectively reduce stubborn fat, eliminate ALL estrogen promoting foods and chemicals—Soy, Oils from canola, corn, safflower, rapeseed and soy, animal fat-rich foods, conventional meat and dairy products, low-carb weight loss foods containing sugar alcohol, glycerin, artificial sweeteners and chemical preservatives, sugar, fructose, candy, soft drinks and Alcohol.
The best food combinations for weight loss are:
Vegetables + Beans +/or Eggs
Vegetables + Fish +/or Nuts
DO NOT MIX carb-fuel foods (pasta/breads) with fat-fuel foods (nuts & seeds)
Proteins can mix with carb-fuel or fat-fuel foods.

Nutritional Defense:
ORGANIC Cruciferous Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts and cabbage) and their indoles 3 carbinole, DIM and indole 3 acetate, have the proven capacity to directly interfere with estrogen metabolism, inducing anti-estrogenic effects to reverse metabolic disorders, increase fat loss and lower cancer risk.
ORGANIC Citrus Fruits (oranges, grapefruit, berries, kiwi, papaya, pineapple and apples) to protect from oxygen free radicals.
Omega 3 oil-rich foods (flaxseed oils, hempseed oils, wild catch fatty fish– salmon, tuna, mackerel & sardines) N3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids modulate estrogen metabolism.
Organic Dairy (whole milk derived butter & cheeses) from grass-fed cows are beneficial with amino acids, minerals, vitamins and anti-estrogenic nutrients like CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) in milk fat contains isomer (cis9 & trans 11) called rumenic acid, lowers risk of mammary cancer similar to Omega 3, suppressing N6 metabolism.
NOTE: if insulin resistant or diabetic, dairy should be restricted.
Plant sterol-rich foods like raw nuts, seeds, avocados, olives, and their derived oils, stabilized rice & wheat germ oils in cold-pressed forms promote the anti-estrogenic hormones progesterone and testosterone and are rich in Omega 9 mono-unsaturated fatty acids. These should not be combined with any grains or sugars, as they raise the glycemic index ratio—they should be eaten with vegetables and protein foods.
Organic Leafy Greens should be eaten daily, as their phytonutrients support the body’s hormonal system, enzyme pool, and liver detox power with viable sources of bioactive minerals, B vitamins, methyl groups and phosphates.

NOTE: All living organisms on this planet are made from L proteins (l for left or levo), upon death they convert to mirror image D proteins (d for devo), a spontaneous conversion of live L to dead (raceant) D proteins, is a process occurring during the rotting of meat. The human body has NO capacity to protect itself from D proteins and its accumulation in tissues accelerates aging and diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's diseases.

This information has been compiled from research from “The Anti-Estrogenic Diet “ by Ori Hofmekler; “The whole Soy story” by Kaayla Daniel, PhD CCN; and “Healthy Healing” by Linda Rector Page; as well as client testimonials for Beyond Symptoms’ .

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